Tuesday 26 April 2011

III - This time next year I will look like Halle Berry

1. Set yourself BIG challenges.
I think I've got caught up in Marathon fever. Always one to compete with the boys it might be something to do with my father's mild addiction, including him running Paris a few weeks ago, and brother James doing this year’s London marathon.* With encouragement from friends Rachel and Alice both signing up, and in a moment of spontaneity, I’ve entered the London 2012 marathon ballot!

It’s also a great alternative to my Bond Girl/Street Dance Boot Camp dream which involves me being whisked off to a sunny island for a year, intensive kick-boxing/street dance training and culminates in a Halle-Berry-emerges-from-water-style photo shoot and Diversity-before-they-were-famous-dance-off routine. Hmm. Once I’m super-toned from marathon training, I might at least take up beginners street dancing (again) and pursue that dream...

2. Watch where you’re walking.
You know when you’ve got all that nervous energy to expend after an interview and you’re walking down the street singing to yourself and then you trip over your own feet? That was me today. Better watch those feet if I get a place in the marathon…

Something to get me running to, à la Bridget Jones. Chaka Khan; a true queen of R&B.


*Tonight’s dinner dialogue…
James: “I’ve entered the marathon ballot!”
Me (proud): “So have I!”
Mum (concerned): “But it CAN’T be good for you!”
James (coolly): “S’alight; I only started training 6 months before this year's marathon!”
Me (defiant): “YEAH, I’ve been running for at least 5 years!”
Dad (shush luv): “Never those distances though!”

Dialogue subtext: Person ‘Number 4’ (as they like to call me thanks to the Census) tries to prove her abilities to her elders. Person 'Number 1' puts her back in her place and re-establishes his position as best family marathon runner.

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